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    Openness, Perseverance,Advancing with the times

【Focusing on the Two Sessions】 The group organizes Employees to Watch the Opening of the 2nd Session of the 14th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China

  • 2024-03-13

  • Page views:1325

On the morning of March 5th, at 9:00, the opening ceremony of the 2nd Session of the 14th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China took place at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Chen Xuehua, the Chairman of the Group and an NPC Deputy, attended the event in person to listen to the Government Work Report. The company organized its employees to collectively watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony, to hear the report, to study and understand its essence, and to draw inspiration for progress.

At the Group's headquarters, all party members and staff from various functional departments watched the opening ceremony to study the Government Work Report presented by the Premier. Subsidiaries and units across the country, including Huayou New Materials Industry Group and Huayou New Energy Industry Group, organized viewings and studies in their respective locations. Everyone kept pace with the proceedings, stood up to sing the national anthem, and listened attentively to the Premier's work report, unanimously feeling that the report was politically insightful, practically deep, energetically executed, and socially warm, inspiring and motivating. In the Government Work Report, Premier Li Qiang highlighted, encouraging and promoting the renewal of consumer goods to boost large-scale consumption such as intelligent network-connected new energy vehicles and electronic products, to truly enhance economic vitality, and to continue promoting the economy towards qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth, strengthening confidence, and uniting strength, directing Huayou towards high-quality development.

After the opening ceremony, cadres and party members expressed their intentions to seriously study and deeply comprehend the spirit of the National Two Sessions, to gather the mighty force of joint struggle with more determined confidence and fuller enthusiasm, and to take practical actions to push the company towards high-quality development. Following the Two Sessions, the group will keep up with the proceedings, timely grasp the latest information and authoritative interpretations, guided by Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and taking the Government Work Report made by Premier Li Qiang as the action guide, striving to build a Huayou that is technologically innovative, green, and open, and to tirelessly strive for building a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful modern socialist country.

Zhang Fangling from New Materials Industry Group

Today, I am honored to participate in the company-organized study of the Government Work Report, listening to Premier Li Qiang's report, especially thrilled about the achievements in national science and technology innovation, major national projects, and people's livelihood. The Premier specifically mentioned that this year, the conditions are more favorable than the difficulties. As someone in the lithium battery recycling industry, this reaffirms my confidence and responsibility to contribute my pioneering effort as a party member in cost competitiveness and benchmark production line construction.

Wu Wenming from New Energy Industry Group

The new energy section of the Premier's work report greatly captured my attention and resonated with me. The detailed explanations on strengthening policy support for the new energy industry and promoting clean energy technology innovation made me deeply feel the government's determination and effort towards green sustainable development.

Through today's broadcast, I deeply realized the importance of new energy in the future economic and social development and the government's active efforts in this field. I hope our country will achieve more breakthroughs and progress in the field of new energy.

Qian Jianguo from Group Headquarters

Today, under the company's organization, Huayou cadres and party members watched the opening ceremony of the 2nd Session of the 14th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, a headline event of national concern. For us at Huayou, due to Chairman Chen's participation on-site at the Great Hall of the People, it holds special significance.

The one-hour Government Work Report was uplifting, especially the content related to green development and the low-carbon economy, showcasing the bright future of the new energy industry. Huayou will surely make significant contributions on this platform!

Wang Jie from Guangxi Regional Management Center

Welcoming the Two Sessions as spring blooms, on March 5th, I was very honored to watch the opening ceremony of the 2nd Session of the 14th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China with the party members at the Guangxi base. Listening to Premier Li Qiang's report, I felt our country's development and progress on a macro level, with the economy gradually warming up. From the objective data and statements, I was deeply moved by our country's strength, especially when the Premier mentioned that in 2023, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles in China accounted for 60% of the global share, further solidifying my confidence in the high-quality and vibrant development of the new energy lithium battery industry. I believe that in 2024, under the leadership of Chairman Chen Xuehua, we will continue to carry forward the Huayou spirit of constantly striving to becoming stronger and pursue Excellence, contributing to the company's high-quality development.

Xie Changhua from Group Headquarters

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China, a key year to achieve the '14th Five-Year Plan' goals and tasks, and also the second year of the chairman serving as a NPC Deputy as a private entrepreneur. This fully demonstrates the country's attention, encouragement, and support for private enterprises, which is a great inspiration for us.

In 2024, the overall national economy's recovery and improvement, and the long-term positive trend remains unchanged. As a research personnel, I will actively respond to General Secretary Xi Jinping's directive on developing new quality productive forces, use technological innovation to drive industrial upgrading, and help the company stand out in industry competition.

Amidst vast landscapes, where the east wind prevails

A new spring ushers in renewed endeavors

Huayou heeds Premier Li Qiang's directive

"To fortify and widen our lead in the new energy vehicle realm"

Prioritizing high-quality growth as our guiding star

Rapidly harnessing innovative productive forces, continuously carving out new advantages

Dedicated to becoming stronger, larger, and superior

Aiming to establish a world-class enterprise

Championing the lithium battery sector's vitality

Safeguarding national energy metal reserves

Ensuring our new energy domain remains ahead

Huayou lends its strength to industrialization with Chinese characteristics